Acting Reel

A snapshot of recent work. Monologues and self-tapes available on request (along video samples here).

Download resume here.

For more comedy sketch material, check out some recent projects on my comedy page or on Instagram & TikTok.


Character Reel

Winner of The Actor’s Lab 2021 Labfest, “Emily, I Love You” showcases many of Emily’s characters within. Enjoy! xox

“Emily was really great to work with and a wonderful communicator. Seeing her act in person was amazing and I’d love to work with her again.”

— Tera Michael, Filmmaker & Director


Recent recorded monologues & special skills. Email me for more monologue samples! I’m always working on something new.

Romcom from Noah Baumbach’s “Frances Ha”

Comedic Monologue from “Barry” of Sally’s meltdown!

Here's a piece from Charlize Theron in the movie “Monster.” I adapted the intro a bit since I didn't have a reader and wanted to give context. Foul language from movie, not me! :)

Dramatic Monologue from “Like Dreaming, Backwards”.

Supernatural drama from the Halloween classic “The Craft”

Internet content!

Emily loves to create content for the internet. You can check out a bunch of her shorts on her comedy page, including her satire piece that’s gotten over 30k views on YouTube. Here are a few TikTok highlights!